Regional –
True - Authentic
The Tyrolean Tavern Culture is not only offered since three generations at the historic, listed village inn Unterwöger but really lived. On top of all considerations is set the guest’s well-being, who is not simply considered a paying individual, but a person who entrusts herself to the hotel’s hospitality and should therefore be highly appreciated. The own farm provides best veal, beef and lamb. A kitchen’s specialty is the so-called “Lammpfandl” – lamb meat served in a pan.

"Bewusst Tirol"
At the beginning of November 2013 we were awarded a “Knowledge Tyrol” – farm by the Tyrolean Agricultural Marketing, and in 2014 we also received this award. Here is a photo of the award ceremony of 2014 by AMTirol. “Bewusst Tirol” is a joint project of agricultural marketing Tyrol, Land Tirol and Tirol Werbung with the aim to sustainably strengthen the Tyrolean economy, agriculture and tourism in Tyrol. Strengthening people’s awareness of Tyrol and boosting the Tyrol brand with special content and convincing products are the cornerstones of this project, which is intended to increase the value added in their own country. More information about the Initiative Bewusst Tirol can be found here.