We were awarded the title "Bewusst Tirol" by Agrarmarketing Tirol, and in the following years we received this award several times. Here are some photos of the awards from AMTirol.
"Bewusst Tirol" is a joint project of Agrarmarketing Tirol, Land Tirol and Tirol Werbung with the aim of sustainably strengthening the Tyrolean economy, agriculture and tourism in Tyrol.
The cornerstones of this project are to strengthen the awareness of Tyrol among the population and to charge the brand Tyrol with special contents and convincing products, which in particular is to increase the added value in the own province.
More information about the initiative Bewusst Tirol can be found here.
Together with our favourite supplier, the Walcherhof in Kartitsch, we received the "Crown of Hospitality" award from the "Genuss Region Österreich" and the "Kronen Zeitung".
The Walcherhof supplies us with the East Tyrolean table potato, called "Oskar".
We would like to thank everyone who voted for us!

Our motto
We run our business in such a way that we would feel comfortable there as a guest or as an employee and would also be happy to recommend this to our best friends.
At the top of all considerations, Helene and Sepp place the well-being of the guest, whom they regard not only as a paying individual, but as a human being who entrusts himself to the hospitality of the house.
For using products from Tyrol and the surrounding culinary regions, we have been awarded and certified by AMA Marketing GesmbH with the AMA Genussregionssiegel Gastronomie. With this award, we support the regional sourcing of the basic products and secure jobs in the region.